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Tempe Rio Salado Little League

Tempe Rio Salado Little League

Important Dates for TRSLL

Please Note: These are general date ranges to give you an idea of when things happen during the year. Specific schedules and dates are determined closer to the season/tournament/event.

Due to COVID-19, the dates below may be different depending on the situation with the pandemic and field availability. Announcements will be made via email, social media, and this website.

Spring Season

Registration for the Spring baseball season is open from January through early February.

Registration - Registration is done via this website. If you require assistance with registration, please contact [email protected] for more information.

Player showcases - These typically happen in late January/early-February, prior to the selection of teams for those divisions. Coaches evaluate players prior to the draft or team selection process and announcement of teams.

Practice schedules - Practice schedules will be determined and announced in mid-February. These are based on field availability, number of teams, and available coaches. Coaches will announce their team's practice schedules prior to the first week of practices.

Opening Day - Typically the third or fourth Saturday in March. The exact date each year is determined by when local schools have Spring Break, so the date differs from year to year. Opening Day includes an introduction ceremony, games and a day of family fun.

Game schedules - Game schedules are typically announced in March, however, due to field availability, inter-league play, and other factors, the game schedules are usually updated throughout the season. Generally speaking, each division will have games on the same days each week. Game schedules will be posted and shared via coaches and team parents.

Division/League Tournaments - Mid- to Late-May, at the conclusion of the regular Spring season, are division tournaments. Depending on the number of teams in each division, we will often include our neighboring leagues in our tournament play. Tournament details are determined near the end of the Spring season.

All Stars 

For more details on the All Stars experience, please see our All Stars page.

Team Announcements - All Star teams are determined and announced no earlier than June 1.

All Stars Practices - Practices for All Star teams can begin as soon as the teams are announced on June 1. Practices are determined by the manager for each team. In past seasons, practices have been held 4-6 times per week for the three weeks leading up the tournament.

All Stars Tournament Play (District level) - Depending on the division, the All Stars District 13 tournament beings the last week of June and typically concludes before July 4th. If a team advances to the next stage, the times and dates will be determined (keep in mind that different age groups play in different tournaments). The Majors division, for example, could extend play from the District level to the State and Regional levels and ultimately play in the Little League World Series in Williamsport, PA, in late August.

Fall Season

Fall baseball registration begins, in a limited capacity, in August-September. Games run into late November or early December, depending on the division.

Juniors level players also participate in fall baseball. Registration for juniors fall baseball happens in July-August, with games from September - late November.

For all levels, fall baseball is more instructional in nature. It is intended to give players  a chance to adjust to the next league levels and to prepare for the more competitive spring season. It's also an opportunity for players to try new positions, especially pitching and catching for the Minors/Majors levels. To that end, stricter pitch count rules are in place for Minors and Majors divisions during fall ball.

For questions, please email us at [email protected]


Tempe Rio Salado Little League
North Tempe 
Tempe, Arizona 85282

Email: [email protected]

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