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Tempe Rio Salado Little League

Tempe Rio Salado Little League

Schmiddy's Batting Cage

Batting Cage Reservations

Tempe Rio Salado Little League owns and maintains the batting cage at Clark Park. It is for use by Rio's teams exclusively. If you are not actively involved with Tempe Rio Salado Little League and would like to reserve the batting cage, please email [email protected] to make your request.

Please include:

  • Your name/organization
  • Date and time you need
  • Your contact information

TRSLL reserves the right to deny access to the batting cage for any reason.

The Story Behind the Cage

The batting cage at Clark Park is named in honor of Loren "Schmiddy" Schmidgall. Schmiddy played baseball for several years with Tempe Rio and went on to play for McClintock High School.

On Sunday, October 29, 2006, he died in a tragic accident while riding his bike with friends near the ASU campus. He was 14 years old.

The batting cage was dedicated in his name in May of 2007.  A home plate-shaped plaque stood in the cage until 2022. For the 2022 Spring season, the batting cage will be re-dedicated to Schmiddy after a major renovation to the entire cage, compete with new brighter, yet more energy efficient lights, new turf and new netting. A new sign will bearing his name will complete the re-dedication effort which will be unveiled officially on opening day, 2022.

Images from the original story published in a 2007 Rio Ball are included below.


Tempe Rio Salado Little League
North Tempe 
Tempe, Arizona 85282

Email: [email protected]

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